221G & DS5535 Case Consultation

Refusal under section 221G or DS5535 indicates that essential information is missing from an application or that additional administrative processing is required. If your case is refused under 221G at the time of your interview, the consular officer will either inform you that your case must be processed administratively or request additional information.

"221g refusal"

The most common reasons for a 221G or DS5535 can vary, but most often, it’s due to missing or incomplete documentation, an expired medical examination, or further security clearances. The applicant is usually given a letter outlining the reasons for the 221G and any additional documentation or information required. It’s important to note that a 221G can prolong the visa application process, and there is no set timeline for how long the administrative processing can take. It could take days, weeks, or even months, depending on the circumstances.

If you receive a 221G or DS5535, don’t panic.  MJ IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT® (PAK USA Immigration) can help you navigate the process and provide guidance on what additional documentation or information is required. Our team of experienced immigration professionals has helped numerous clients with 221G refusals and understands the intricacies of administrative processing. We’ll work closely with you and the embassy or consulate to ensure that your visa application is processed as quickly as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you with your 221G or DS5535 refusal.

What we Offer:
  • Case Review and Solutions For:
  • 221G Case
  • DS5535 Case
  • Case Review and Solutions
  • Case processing.

we stand out from the rest

Why Choose Us ?

We provide services that are specifically tailored to the needs of each client; you are more than just a name on a form to us.

Vast knowledge and experience

We only practise US immigration law and have extensive experience with USA visa applications.

Highly personalized service

Our services are tailored to your specific requirements. From start to finish, you will only deal with one visa specialist who will oversee the entire process.

Prices that are reasonable and cost-effective

provide tailored services to meet your visa requirements in the most cost-effective way possible.

Trusted by the Clients

Our success is determined by our clients' visa approval and satisfaction.

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Get In Touch

Our team is always ready to assist you and help you achieve your immigration goals. Contact us now to schedule a case consultation appointment and take the first step towards a successful immigration journey.

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